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Rev. Scott Carnes

Worship at Home | Mar. 8

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

Welcome to on-line, at-home worship. During this cold and flu season and as concern of a possible pandemic grows, Abingdon United Methodist Church will work to provide worship opportunities that will encourage health and wellness for all people.

The Gathering: Centering on God

Here is a song to center our hearts on God as we begin this time of worship. Perhaps find a quiet and comfortable place if you have a mobile device or computer on which you are watching this. Today we are focusing on the presence of God and what it means to be present with other people of faith. Though you may be at home without other people of faith nearby, remember that you do not worship alone. When you lift your heart to God you lift it up with the other people of our congregation and with Christians all around the world. You can celebrate the presence of God and know that you do that with other people of faith!

Opening Prayer

Here is a prayer from worship this morning that you may wish to pray, or pray your own prayer inviting God into the space and your heart.

Lord of Love,

We know that you are present with us in this time of worship.

May we feel your love in our hearts.

May we acknowledge your presence right here with us.

May we go into the world expecting your presence in all that we do and wherever we go!



Obviously there are no plates to pass. Of course there are options for supporting the ministry of this church: Give online, Use Online Banking, or give for two Sundays next week in worship, but it isn't just about how we give, or what we give financially, it's about taking time to contemplate what it means to give more of ourselves to Christ.

People in worship heard these words:

It is often possible feel God’s presence strongly in this building and among these people gathered here. Let us give generously during this time of worship that we will honor that presence, strengthen this congregation, and make God’s presence felt throughout our community and world

During this on-line worship time take a moment to listen to the song below and be in prayer about how you give to God and God's church. Consider making a commitment with yourself to give yourself to God in a new way or give a little extra to your God this week.

Scripture & Message - "A Disciple's Path: Presence"

Our scripture today is Hebrews 10:19-25

Prayer Time

1. Prepare yourself for prayer by thinking through those who need your prayer focus and think about your own joys and concerns.

2. Sit with God and allow God into your mind and begin silently speaking your joys and concerns to God.

3. Consider ending with the Lord's Prayer or other words that are upon your heart:

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

Closing Song

As you close this time of worship, this song speaks to the presence of God.

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