How to Help
Financial Donations - Click "Give Now" to give to the community fund - a fund set aside to help fund food programs in the community. People have already begun sharing their stimulus checks and other giving other gifts in order to help others during this difficult time. You may also give by sending a check to PO Box 311, Abingdon, IL 61410 (marked "Community Fund")
Community Food Pantry - Open Every Tuesday 12-3pm, located at Abingdon United Methodist Church - Contact the United Methodist Church office to learn more about volunteering. Help is needed unloading food from trucks on Wednesday as well. 401 N. Washington St., Abingdon
Feed My Lambs - Contact Jerry Lynn through their Facebook page or contact the United Methodist Church or other Abingdon-Avon area church to learn more or volunteer
The Cupboard and the Closet - The cupboard and closet welcomes donations of Volunteer work; food, clothing & financial donations. Also, if you are willing to occasionally deliver food to those who can't get to our facility. You may call the church office 309-462-3444 Mon-Thurs, 9am-12pm to volunteer with the Cupboard or arrange a donation.