The Community Unmet Needs Fund
The Cupboard and The Closet (at the Community Center) and the Community Food Pantry (in the basement of the United Methodist Church) are able to provide modest help through support from Area Food Bank programs like River Bend and Midwest, Feed My Lambs provides snack pack help for children in the community, but there are many people who have need, especially those who do not have children in school. As stimulus, unemployment and enhanced child tax credits run out more maybe necessary!
Abingdon United Methodist Church has established a Community Fund and is mobilizing to provide for this community. This fund is separate from other church funds and is designated to feed our community. People in the community (both within and beyond the church) have offered up part of their government stimulus check to help begin this fund and care for our community. This generosity has already allowed the Cupboard and the Closet to re-open with an expanded food capacity.
We are very proud of the churches and all the people of the Abingdon area in supporting Feed My Lambs which provides weekend snack packs during the school year to students and provides a weekly food box to children and their families during the summer when there is no school. We are also proud of the ministry of the Cupboard and the Closet to feed and clothe anyone who asks, and we are pleased to provide free space to the Community Food Pantry which provides monthly assistance to families with financial need. These organizations, together, provide for our community month-after-month, but working with these groups there is more to be done as we fight hunger and poverty in our area. This fund is a place where you can give and know that your gift will feed the community and help any of these vital ministries should they experience a shortfall of funding!