This Summer, in June and July, we will take a "walk" with some of the kings of the Bible. We'll learn lessons from their lives: sometimes because of their faith and good works and sometimes we'll learn what not to do :-). Join us as we journey together through 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings!
June 13 - "The King Who was Sometimes Obedient"
1 Samuel 10:17-24 - King Saul
June 20 - "The King Who Set the Standard"
2 Samuel 7:4-17 - King David
June 27 - "The King Who Loved the Finer Things"
1 Kings 10:14-11:3 - King Solomon
July 11 - "The 'Me First' King"
1 Kings 21:1-19 - King Ahab - Holy Communion
July 18 - "The King Who Began Well"
2 Kings 18:1-7 - King Hezekiah
July 25 - "The King of Kings"
Revelation 19:11-20a - Jesus Christ