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Rev. Scott Carnes

On-Line Worship, Giving & Lunches

Beginning Sunday, March 22 Abingdon United Methodist Church will be worshiping on-line and will have no in-person worship. Of course we hope this will not last long, but however long it lasts we will work to have vibrant worship even from living rooms and kitchens. Hey you can even log-in while you brush your teeth! We will worship each Sunday at 11:00am to give our musicians and tech people plenty of time each morning to ensure everything can go smoothly with this new format of worship. We will for sure be live on Facebook and we are working to also be on YouTube live soon. Full Worship videos will be posted to our YouTube channel and "Worship at Home" on our website.

Everyone in the church is asked to consider participating in worship! We will be asking people who normally sign up as liturgists to record prayers on their phones and computers and send them in (maybe some new people would be interested in that???). Anyone can submit a prayer concern.

UPDATE: Worshipers can share them in the comments during our on-line worship, but we will also have a "Google Meet" during the week on which people can share their joys & concerns with one another and that video can be shared during our Sunday morning online worship. More information will be on social media and our website, soon.

Abingdon United Methodist Church is already actively working to help feed people as we assist the Community Food Panty (Tuesdays 12-3pm, in our basement) and support our "The Cupboard and the Closet" ministry (Fridays 4:30-5:30pm, at the Community Center) as they both re-tool during these difficult times to keep everyone safe. We are already working to share resources to feed and care for the community. All of that said, without in-person worship, we will have to work harder than ever to support these ministries. Please consider giving to your church. It costs nothing for the church or individuals if people use their bank's online bill pay system. We also have on-line giving available through our website! Please consider either of these methods. If using our on-line giving system, please know that we pay a small transaction fee of .8% if a bank account or a much larger fee of 2.9% is charged if using credit card.

UPDATE: to use online banking for free, please go to your bank website to get started. To use our online giving system, you may go to our online giving page on our website.

The pastor is planning to hold lunches on-line. He will grab some carryout from a local restaurant and get on Google Meet. To join him check Facebook, twitter, or the church calendar for the next date and a link to join the lunch. Then just grab some carryout or brown bag it from your own kitchen and click the link to join the conversation! If we get lots of people we'll get more people to host and have lots of 'tables.'

Also, keep your eyes open for Facebook live and YouTube live devotions, activities and other videos throughout the week!

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