Worship with us outdoors on May 23 at 6pm!
Each year, 50 days after Easter, Christians around the world celebrate Pentecost. It is, in many ways, the birth of the church. In Acts we find the disciples gathered and anxious…yet again. They have just witnessed Jesus ascend into heaven and they are justifiably ‘freaked out’. It is at that moment that the spirit of God blows through the space where they are gathered and they find themselves filled with the spirit. Peter preaches, brings people to faith, and takes his place as a leader of Christ’s church.
It’s an incredible story and after fourteen months of lockdowns and pandemic precautions it would be fitting to take time to let go of anything holding us back and to worship with abandon. The worship team is organizing an outdoor worship service so that we can let go of some of the indoor precautions and worship God loudly, vibrantly, and freely!!! On May 23 we will worship in the evening at 6pm (rather than at our usual morning time) in the large lot North of the church and parsonage. You are invited for fellowship at 5pm, hot dogs, chips and bottled drinks at 5:30pm and then worship will begin at 6pm. Please bring friends and family for an evening of renewed fellowship, dinner, and worshiping freely in God’s creation!