As we prepare for fall, Rev. Carrie Carnes has invited this congregation to participate in a month focused on prayer. A letter will be going out to every member (active and inactive) to share about the upcoming time of prayer and to ask them to begin thinking about how the church can be in prayer for them, their family and the community. Then, volunteers will call everyone who received a letter to ask them about how their family is doing and how we can be in prayer with them. Later in October we will open the church for a day of prayer where anyone from the church can come at their convenience to pray at stations throughout the church: praying throughout the building and praying over the prayer cards...for individual members of the church.
The Carrie and the prayer team are looking for volunteers to make phone calls and to help design and implement the day of prayer at the church! Please consider if you might volunteer in one of these ways. Contact the church office or Rev. Carrie Carnes if you would like to be a part of this exciting time of ministry!