Generosity is not something that starts with our pocket book. Our generosity becomes obvious with our financial giving, but extravagant generosity begins with a condition of the heart and is a giving of oneself to God. Scripture teaches us to give ourselves over to God: mind, body and spirit. During four weeks in October and November we will consider what is means to give ourselves, in heart and mind, to God's kingdom through the work of the church.
During that time (Oct. 20 - Nov. 10) congregation members are invited to do daily readings each week from a devotional guide Practicing Extravagant Generosity as a way to grow beyond the Sunday morning worship experience! These daily devotional books are available from Cokesbury, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. The church has pre-ordered copies which cost the church $8.00 apiece.
Our worship schedule:
October 20 - "From the Heart"
1 Timothy 6:17-19
October 27 - "Heart Matters"
Celebration of All-Saints' Sunday
Deuteronomy 6:3-6 & Candlelighting
November 3 - "Inspiration of the Heart"
Joel 2:28 & Communion
November 10 - "A Heart Committed"
2 Corinthians 8:24